Thursday, 12 November 2009

Phew, Its Finally Over.

I've given the best that i've got.
The rest, i'll leave it to God.

Yes, that para above was for my beloved O's that has officially ended today. Yes, let me repeat.. I'm done with my O's already (!!!!!!) So, this time i'm really back and i mean it! Haha. Farewell, boooks and teachers. Welcome back social life and freedom. And of course, helloo workforce = $$$! Another thing that i'm looking forward to - Red Camp :D

Yes, today definitely brought about a huge change for me since i'm finally free from the tender loving clutches of O's. But one thing will still remain the same though - the laziness in me ^.^ So i'm really very sorry for this skimpy comeback post. I will be back for more soon. And also to reply those tags from all the beautiful people. So stay tuned :D

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